The Clock
Starts Now...
It is important that you realize that in the event of a death or incapacity, a dental practice would experience an immediate and rapid decline in value, by reason of the doctor's absence. ADS Midwest & ISDS have teamed up
to provide a database of dentist willing to step up and help provide a "safety net".

From a few days to an indefinite period, a skilled conscientious dentist is ready to step in and work on your behalf. They are
ready to assume your
approach to
dentistry because your office staff,
sytems, records and enviornment, remains constant. If properly and positively presented, your patients will repond favorablt to the presence of another professional acting on your behalf. As a protection agains the
consequences of sudden illness, diasbility or death, temporary professional service has immense value and prvodes a benefit not covered by any form of insurance, preservation of practice vitality.
The Advantages
- Preservation of net income, which if lost, can never be recovered.
- Quality care for your patients and increasesd patinent access to your office.
- Peace of mind and stress free absence.
- Security for your loved ones through maintenance of practice vitality, and preservation of a primary financial asset.